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Re: New Miata

Subject: Re: New Miata
From: jon e prevo <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:08:47 -0500
On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:36:27 -0400 "Tony Ford" <>
> A road racer 
> once told me if I was going to race that I should buy a proper race 
> car and forget running a stock class car and all the expense it 
> entails making it raceworthy. I'm inclined to believe him now. 

I agree with your road racer friend.  Spend the same money and time on a
cheap, older car and build a __race__ car which will be competitive over
the long haul (or just buy a competitive car someone else has already
built) and you will be way ahead of the game.

IMHO, stock classes work well for those who need to race their daily
drivers.  I have yet to see the attraction stock classes hold for
accomplished, committed racers...

Jon FP 73

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