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Re: ProSolo, Spectators, TV, et al.

To: Bradley Lamont <>
Subject: Re: ProSolo, Spectators, TV, et al.
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 21:08:07 -0500
Bradley Lamont wrote:
> Except for the fact that the first car to the finish line doesn't
> necessarily win.  Drag racing is extremely simple to participate in and is
> extremely simple for spectators to watch and understand.
> ProSolo (since you want to focus on it, instead of Solo) is not.  You have
> to add 2 times together.  You have to pay attention to both sides to know
> who wins.  This adds a level of complexity that spectators may not care for.
Easily solvable by adding spectator specific timing boards.  It is not
above today's technology to come up with a more legible, multi-purpose
display that does the math for you, and tells you "time-to-beat", who
won each side, and stuff like that.  Not too hard if you really want to
do it.

While I'm not really sure what to think about the whole spectator side
of this, I do agree that the two car setup a Pro offers is by far more
interesting to watch.


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