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Re: Mac vs PC BS

To: "Rick Brown" <>,
Subject: Re: Mac vs PC BS
From: Jim Wilson <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 21:51:05 -0400
Not to get technical here but I am going to do it anyway. If we are going
to beat a dead horse let's please beat the correct one. PC is a term that
is usually applied to mean Intel architecture based hardware. You can run
any of a multitude of operating systems on this hardware including the

Windows 3.1, 95,98, NT 3.51, NT 4.0 and now Windows 2000
RedHat Linux
Suse Linux
(& other linux versions)
Solaris 2.5,2.6, 2.7 & 8 for x86
SCO Unix
BSD Unix 

The Mac platform to my knowledge only runs one operating system -MacOS.
(although I believe there may be a  Linux distribution for the Mac hardware
platform). All that being said to try to compare a MacOS based machine on
Mac hardware against some version of Windows on an Intel platform is a
little like trying to put a Chevy Suburban in the same class as a BMW M3 -
you really need to compare apples against apples and you need to be
specific. Do applications work easier on a Mac than they do on a Windows
machine ? Don't know - I have used both and frankly I prefer windows. Mac
is too dumbed down for me. Want to try to get a new piece of hardware
working on Mac OS vs Windows? I think Windows is easier because I know the
OS and I know where to go to fix things if they are broken. In the MacOS I
cant even find where to go to fix the stuff.

Maybe we should run competitions for Windows machine vs Macs - each
competitor starts off with an image to modify and the first one to finish
wins. Then you have to add the machine to a network, add a new piece of
hardware, and crash and rebuild the machine from scratch. Sort of computer
autox ....

Jim Wilson

At 03:37 PM 6/14/00 , Rick Brown wrote:
>ARRRRGGGGHHHH.  Enough already!  This idea that Macs and PCs are much
>different any more is ridiculous.  I happen to be a PC graphics person
>mostly and have yet to see anything done on a Mac that I can't do on my PC,
>often easier.  The user interfaces are not that much different, most popular
>programs are available on both platforms and files are interchangable.
>There is software for both that lets you read and write the others
>files/disks.  The most popular graphics program, Adoble Illustrator, which
>grew up on the Mac has (IMHO) a terrible user interface compared to
>CorelDraw, which grew up on the PC.  I've had a roommate who was a graphic
>artist with a Mac who had just as many problems with things as I ever did.
>The biggest difference I run into is that the Mac uses a seperate
>file/imbedded info to asssociate files to their creating programs and the PC
>uses a file extension, i.e., .xxx.  I always make an effort to make sure
>files I create will be compatible with everybody.  Most files I get from Mac
>people I have to rename to PC convention even though the creator knew I was
>on a PC.  I have friends with Macs and every time I use their machines, I do
>not find them at all intuitive.  It's really mostly a matter of what you
>learned on. Can't we all just get along?  :-)
>Rick Brown
>FP 240Z
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Mike Mitchell <>
>To: Phil Ethier <>
>Cc: Brian Beckman <>; <jeff.harmon@Adobe.COM>;
><>; <>
>Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:14 AM
>Subject: Re: new Physics of Racing Article
>> Guys.
>> Here's a story I tell to exemplify Mac vs. PC/Windows.
>> Two suburbans get up at 7 AM on a Saturday morning to play golf but first
>they need to cut the grass.
>> Our PCer gets up and proceeds to measure the height of the grass, reset
>the mowing height, check his directional diary
>> to see how he cut the grass last time, lay out a new mowing pattern with a
>minimum of turns etc.   Two hours later,
>> he's waiting in line to tee off about 10 AM.
>> The MAC guy goes in the garage, pulls the cord on the mower, and is done
>cutting in about 30 minutes, and is teeing off
>> by 8 AM!
>> You know, sometimes as a pick driver's minds to find ways I might go
>faster on an autox course, sometimes I
>> this a Mac driver, or a PC scientist.    Is it intuitive, what works, hey
>let's try this?  Or is it you got to get the
>> latest (whatever), if I just had more torque, where's my brakepoint? Sort
>of right brain vs. left brain.
>> Later
>> MIke M
>> '97 Eclipse GSX

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