G***O just decided that the son of a buddy of mine is such a risk that
he had to be removed from the policy.
His transgressions? One speeding ticket and one other incident which
resulted in them paying out a $3000 claim: The young man had tried to
start his dad's '66 Mustang with the automatic tranny in gear, and,
because they'd had trouble previously with bad solenoids on the car, he
jumped out, popped the hood, laid a screwdriver on the solenoid posts,
and almost got run over when the hi-po 289 (with the Holley 4-barrel in
fast idle) started immediately, traveled across a small lawn, and
crashed, driverless, into somebody's pickup.
Heavy damage to the (liability-only insured) Mustang, but the only
payout was for the eventual target.
No driver.
Not on public roads.
No more policy.
This guy had been insuring 4 cars and a motorcycle with this company for
over 20 years, and this one incident along with the speeding ticket got
the son canceled.
Of course this is the company that gives away free radar and laser speed
guns to police departments, cancels you if you admit owning a radar
detector, and supposedly raises rates for one speeding violation.
BTW, just to keep this autox related, I am trying to get this guy to
participate in an event, soon.