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Re: Peru Pro

To: <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro
From: "Steven T. Ekstrand" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 11:13:11 -0700
A new rule certainly isn't going to solve the problem, but it doesn't sound
like the collision this weekend should have occured.

I could understand it if the accident had happened during one of the first
pairs on the course, but this was apparently one of the last?  How many
close calls do you need before somebody realizes it may be prudent to move
a few cones between run groups.

I understand there is risk to what we do.  There is risk driving to and
from the track.  But the most dangerous and obvious situation I can think
of is two cars colliding when you have closely spaced track elements.  Its
hard for me to imagine first that it was setup that way and then that once
recognized it wasn't adjusted.

I can't applaude the course designer for making a fun and competitive
track.  He failed in his number one priority---safety.  I'd say the
competitors who noticed the close calls and dangerous situations let the
sport down as well for not making it an immediate issue.

-Steve Ekstrand
"Newbie and Safety weenie"

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