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Re: Car-o-scope

To: BPS Administrator <>
Subject: Re: Car-o-scope
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 19:50:27 -0600
BPS Administrator wrote:
> then it told me that I needed
> to dump it and get a DUSTER!!! Ack No! I sure hope my destiny in the auto
> world isn't driving a big 1970's american boat with rust holes in the rear
> quater panels. 

Actually, Plymouth brought back the Duster name in the early '80s as a
variant of the Omni/Horizon/Charger/Turismo bunch.  2.2L  FWD.

I had a '73 Dodge Dart Sport which was the same thing as the Dodge
Demon and Plymouth Duster.  Bucket seats - 318 - 3 on the floor - no
air - no power anything - just a custom built dual exhaust that dumped
out right in front of the big Goodyear G60 wide ovals on the rear. 
Wasn't a bad car, really.  Very reliable and fun to drive.  I kept it
for 10 years and drove it all over the country until I bought my '83
Dodge Shelby Charger.  But it was much better on the drag strip than
it was on an autocross course!!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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