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Re: car-o-scope

To: Scott Knight <>
Subject: Re: car-o-scope
From: Jamie Sculerati <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:10:13 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Scott Knight wrote:

> Good grief Charlie Brown, there must be something this group has in
> common.  

Not surprising -- I figure we all exceed the norm for risk-taking (look
what we do with our weekends), don't give a damn what anyone else thinks
(ditto), are relatively well-organized (required for running both
events and maintaining cars), make enough money to spend on our hobby and try 
to avoid spending that money on anything else!

> I got almost the same list I have seen a few times here already:
> Plymouth Duster
> BMW 528
> Dodge Colt Vista
> Peugeot 505
> Volvo 244

Hmm...matches mine exactly!  I think the Duster appears on everyone's list
-- if you read the Click and Clack column in the paper, that's a
long-running gag.  As far as the others, the BMW's cool.  If they'd
substituted Mitsubishi Expo for the Colt, they'd have been close -- I
almost bought one a couple of years back.  The Peugeot...don't know much
about.  My mom had a Peugeot bike when I was a kid, though....  And I had
a Volvo 240 wagon for a few of years -- not a bad car.  Actualy, if
someone offered me a 122 wagon at the right price, I'd take it.  

Maybe these guys know us better than we think! :)  Still not giving up the
"Lude, though....

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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