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Pro Tree

Subject: Pro Tree
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 06:20:57 -0700

Pro Solo can't really have this.  Think of this:  Because we are running
stock type cars with no transbrakes, most everyone needs about 5 seconds
from the time they Stage to the time the lights go down to "get ready".
What I mean by this is that everyone has a lunch RPM that they need to get
to and hold steady.  This isn't the easiest thing on a car with no second
tier Rev-limiter.  Not to mention that on turbo cars, I need to spool up my
turbo in order to avoid bogging (especially when you are lined up next to
DG's ESP Talon).

One of the other negatives about a Pro Tree is that in Challenge rounds,
the second driver (with the faster Dial-In) basically can't blink or else
they will be late.  Not really what I want to be focusing on 1000% while at
the line in the Challenge.


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