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Re: San Diego Divisional-more info.

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: San Diego Divisional-more info.
From: "Jim Mueller" <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 15:12:35 -0700
Of course the Geos don't slow down, I do faster course walks than they can do 
flat out.

>>> Jim Ourand <> 05/17/99 03:13PM >>>
Engstrom wrote:
> > Classes as follows:
> >
> >       IS1-All v-8's,6 cylinder turbos, rotary turbos and 6 cylinder twin 
> >
> >       IS2-All 6 cylinder, 4 cyl twin cams, 4 cyl turbos, rotaries & Honda 
> >
> >       IS3-All others
> Hot dog!  Now all I have to do is figure out how to buy a Viper GTS and 
>modify it
> in time for the Divisional.  It'll be a shoe-in to win IS3!  After all, its 
>v-10 doesn't
> fit in IS1 or IS2. ;-)
> John "No, not that one" Engstrom

Yeh, but you've got to watch out for those Geo's, they don't have to
slow down for the turns.
Jim Ourand, Still Looking For A Car, Old Fartz, DCCSD
Pro Image Signs & Banner (619) 265-2052

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