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Re: San Diego Divisional-more info.

To: (Jim & Marilyn Rohn), <>
Subject: Re: San Diego Divisional-more info.
From: Judy Becker <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 13:05:47 -0700
Hi there Jim & Marilyn
Oooooopppppssss-forgot that entry forms might not have gotten out to all on!
Thanx folks for letting me know so soon of this oversight [:^} ....

You can contact/send info. to: Jim Hamm, SDR SOLO II,697 Raymond St., El
Cajon, CA  92020 or call him at (610) 579-2553 for further registration info.

Entry is $60- ($70- after 5/21/099). Make checks payable to TART.

The registration form follows format used in Sportscar.  I can fax a copy
of the registration form to anyone who has access to a fax machine. Just
let me know.

We welcome all to San Diego. There are lots of motels to stay within a
reasonable distance from the "Q" and bring your surfboard or volleyball,
bathing suits OK too...

If I can be of help, feel free to call me at (619-579-2553).

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Judy B. in San Diego   {:>}

At 12:15 PM 5/15/99 -0700, Jim & Marilyn Rohn wrote:
>At 10:54 AM 5/15/99, Judy Becker wrote:
>>Hi all & hope to see you here at the San Diego divisional.
>No one knows where to send the entry forms
>That info would be *greatly* appreciated on the autox list (

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