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Re: Quad 4 Racer help needed

To: Justin Hughes <>,
Subject: Re: Quad 4 Racer help needed
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:25:51 -0700 (PDT)
Conversely, too much oil can also aggravate ticking. 
Case in point:  The Miata 1.8l engine has a 4.3 qt
crankcase capacity.  A couple of times, the dealer put
in 5 quarts at an oil change, and ticking was much
worse.  I started specifying 4 quarts only and ticking
went almost completely away.  I suspect the crankshaft
was probably aerating the additional oil and reducing
pressure to the top end.

Craig Blome
Texas Spokes SCC, Austin, TX

--- Justin Hughes <> wrote:
> Forgive me for suggesting the blatantly obvious, but
> have you checked the
> oil? :)  Seriously - someone I know had a ticking in
> his VW GTI after a run.
> Turned out he was a little low on oil.  He topped it
> off, and no more
> ticking.  The phenomenon itself is fairly common -
> I've also heard it in a
> brand spankin new BMW Z3 2.8 coupe.
>     - Justin

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