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Re: favorite topics, or some people never get it

Subject: Re: favorite topics, or some people never get it
From: (Jim & Marilyn Rohn)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:19:42 -0700 (MST)
At 10:53 AM 4/21/99, wrote:
>In a message dated 4/20/99 10:08:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>     People who are, I am sure, honest and sincere have said to me that
>durometers only measure softness not grip.

listen to them Ray, they are wise

> I have had anecdotal stories
>presented in evidence of that assertion.

from tire engineers? or somebody that knows somebody, who heard that a
friend of someone said, he saw something once?

> While I concede that softness and
>grip might not always be in EXACT correlation

and they are not ...

>I shall continue to believe ...

too bad, some people still think Elvis is alive too

snip to end

Jim Rohn
Beater Racing

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