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Re: Tire wear issues speed ratings

To: "Kent Rafferty" <>, "autocross list" <>,
Subject: Re: Tire wear issues speed ratings
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:24:26 -0500
Kent sez:

>Start with the exclusion of R-tires, then
>add tires to the exclusion list that don't meet the "spirit" of
the rules -

Why don't you try to DEFINE the "spirit" of the rules first?
THERE'S where you run into insurmountable problems. Most folks
mean "I don't want HIM to spend any more money on tires (or his
car, or shocks, or....) than I'M willing to spend." I think this
is the source of most of the sky-is-falling alarmist posts on
this subject.

The complainers perceive that "the other guy" is spending lots
more money on the sport than they are, and they want the rules
changed to stop that. It's not possible, and you might as well
face up to that reality. You can't prevent me from trailering my
car, you can't prevent me from buying new tires (or shocks, or a
motor, or even a CAR, fergoshsakes) for every event. If I've got
the money and I'm willing to spend it on autox, I'm gonna find a
way to do so. Attempts to make that illegal will always fail.


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