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Re: Questions/Observations following my first National Tour

Subject: Re: Questions/Observations following my first National Tour
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:23:39 EDT
In a message dated 4/14/99 11:57:01 AM Central Daylight Time, 

>  In hindsight, I shoulda gone on the right on Saturday.  After Friday
>  night's walks, I was fully planning to go right.  But then while I was
>  trying to fall asleep and replaying the course in my mind, I couldn't
>  make going right seem even remotely smooth, it just felt awful.  So,
>  come Saturday morning, left was the plan.  But in retrospect, I think
>  right would have been faster (that conclusion is drawn mostly from how
>  fast those who went right managed to go).

I'll have to totally disagree with my codriver for the event on this one.  I 
was working in full view of Saturday's optional starting slalom.  Everyone 
who went to the right gave up to much on the entry and then got pinched off 
on the left turn following the exit and gave up too much speed again.  Those 
who went to the left were smoother and faster in and out.  The 2.8 Z3 coupe 
would have lost too much on both ends, at least on the tires we used for that 
day.  Those I know of who tried both directions chose the left for their 
final run.

IMO, anyone who went fast on the right would have gone even faster on the 

M Sipe

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