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Significant Other Class

Subject: Significant Other Class
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 17:18:08 -0700
Okay, here's what we were talking about in the impound after B Stock ran.

We were talking about how at the San Diego Tour a year ago, I, a competitor
of 13 years, got to run Ladies, but my then boyfriend, Gumbo Lambrusco (not
his real name), at his fifth autocross was pitted up against George Doganis,
Kevin McCormick, and others. Gumbo thought this seemed backwards. If anyone
had a chance against those fellows, it would be me (a scary thought). But I
got to run Ladies, the so-called "easier" class. There were six of us. The
Open class had 24. Scary!

I'm sad to say, he didn't autox much longer. He only went to this National
event to support me, not because he was curious to see how he'd do against B
Stock, just like many (not all, but many) Ladies class competitors. It
became a choice, Gumbo, or Lucy. I chose Lucy. Other women, if given the
same choice, might choose their s.o., and we'd lose yet another competitor.
I ask you, how many have we already lost? It's a frightening thought.

We need a change. It's not always men bringing in their girlfiends and
wives, you know. It's sometimes the other way. We've got to do something.

So, that's why some of us think we need to have a Significant Others Class.
This isn't just my idea. A whole bunch of us thought of it, and darn it,
it's such a PC solution! It serves the same purpose of the Ladies class, but
it's open to both genders. 

One's driving ability is NOT taken into account, just like the Ladies class.
As you'll note, many, many women who run Ladies classes are fantastic
drivers, period. 

No, this is about keeping the peace in marriages, by encouraging significant
others to take part in a sport they might be intimidated by. It will reduce

It will also generate added income to Solo II. As my father, a long-time
proponent of Ladies classes says, "A couple that plays together, stays
together." But he said that a long time ago, when wives and girlfriends were
valued as tire warmers, not as serious contenders.

Times are a LOT different now.

"A couple that plays together stays together." This is only so true. We need
a Significant Others class, especially at a National level, to encourage
s.o.s to come on out to national caliber events.

Of course, as a driver moves up the s.o. ranks, we might encourage him or
her to enter the Open class. Of course, this might lessen the value of the
S.O. trophy. That very notion, in fact, is the current fear as more women
move into the Open classes. What about those who stay in Ladies? Where will
they get their competition?

Clearly, a new name and new gender would only help the already slowly
dwindling Ladies classes.Technically, if you're running Ladies, and you like
running Ladies, you wouldn't have to change anything. In fact, you'll only
get MORE competition. Of course, you'd need and S and O for your car, and
you'd have to accept running against some, oh, men. 

Oh, let's not be sexist! If you're unhappy about that, you need to
reevaluate your stereotypes. 

I think the S.O. class is long overdue, especially as we enter the new

Katie Kelly, spokesperson for the Committee for Screwing Up Everything,
established April 11th, Dallas, TX, in the Dallas Tour Impound 

In other words, I'M just the voice, not the creator of  this idea. Do NOT
blow up my house. Thank you.

You know, there's a good reason why I'm not on the SEB. Count your

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