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Re: ST PAX numbers to come

Subject: Re: ST PAX numbers to come
From: "Mark J. Hirt" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 07:26:36 -0500
>Regarding your numbers: The STR index looks pretty reasonable, but 1.6 
>seconds slower on a 60-second course would equate to an index of about 
>.793, right? 

The RTP Index is based on a 40 second course. 40 Seconds is more
a "real world" number as most clubs do not get sites BIG enough
to run 60 second courses.

>60 seconds x .814 = 48.840 indexed time 
>(60 + 1.6) seconds x .793 = 48.849 indexed time 
>With the RTP .774 index, to get the same indexed time on a 60-second 
>course would require a time of 63.1 seconds, right? What am I doing 
>wrong here? 

40 X .814 = 32.56
40 X .774 = 30.96
Then 32.56-30.96 = 1.6

>  How did you come up with the 1.6 seconds? 

The 1.6 second time is actually based on some fact. A fellow
NX2000 driver on "Street Tires" was around 1.6 seconds slower
then me on "R" rubber. When driving my car with my "R" tires his
times were about the same as mine.

 Mark J. Hirt

 Sun Solaris 2.X systems administrator

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