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Re: 911's & SP Proposal

To: <>
Subject: Re: 911's & SP Proposal
From: "Bruce Wentzel" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 04:36:05 -0400
I should'a kept my Elan.

Bruce Wentzel
Green Dot Racing, Inc.
BSP 71 Corvette LS6 - the original Greendot

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Hebenthal <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, April 04, 1999 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: 911's & SP Proposal

>I have stayed out of this thread until now.  Let's talk about
Curt's car
>for a second.  It is as close to a perfect 911 for autocross
>exists.  No expense was spared to create the car, no advantage
that the
>rules allow was passed up.  It started from nothing and was
built by the
>best in the business (wrt 911's) to be a winning car.  That car
cost as
>much as 4-5 Lotus Elan's to build.  A Tri-Point RX7TT falls into
>same category.
>I also have a car that up to now has cost 4 or so Lotus's to
build, and
>I have probably another one to go before it is competitive (a
911 RS
>America).  In this car the driver needs to get up to speed also
(me) but
>past national champion's have driven the car against Curt and
Loti and
>in both cases it is not quite there yet.
>Why do I bring this up?  Because two years ago, a Lotus Elan
showed up
>to Nationals after having been driven once or twice all year (A
>Elan), ran on three tires that were three years old and one that
was two
>years old (he corded one of the three year old tires) and walked
>with the national championship.  This same car showed up to the
>ProSolo as its next event (some 9 months later) and gave Curt a
heck of
>a time.  Same tires from Nationals the previous year...
>I have run against some other Lotus's in California where the
caliber of
>driver is not up to Shauna and Curt and yet the car is right
there in
>the lead or very, very close behind.  The best car in ASP is a
>Elan.  The RS7TT is very good, and with a great driver behind
the wheel
>is competitive, but competitive with an average driver behind
the wheel
>of a Elan.
>There is also this little problem with numbers.  There were not
>'66 and '67 Elan's made to make it in SP.  They were
grandfathered in a
>long time ago, and stayed in even after all other "Letters" from
the SEB
>had been nullified.  They should not legally be in SP.
>So the best of breed version of the 911 or the RX7TT (and
>the current uproar about increasing boost with Legal mods, maybe
>these cars will be rendered helpless) with great drivers in them
>compete, on some courses (the north course at Nationals last
year was a
>high horsepower course!) can be competitive...maybe.  That to me
>not make an interesting class, or one that I will return to
nationals to
>run in.
>Doug Hebenthal
>81 ASP, Got killed by all of the above last year...10th in ASP
>>Jodi Fordahl wrote:
>>> Having
>>> driven the car the last couple of weekends and lots of other
>911's I
>>> would say that Curt's car has the best shot at doing well at
>Nationals than
>>> any other I've driven, but I don't believe it can win.
>>It puzzles me when he comes within .8 seconds of Shauna's
combined two
>>day times at Nationals and yet I hear someone say they believe
the car
>>"can't win." Is it really the case that neither car nor driver
>>possibly have had the potential for that extra .4 sec per day
>>have been needed? Are we to believe that the car is perfectly
>>and the driver drove it perfectly? I accept that this is
possible, and
>>that Curt is one of the drivers who might pull this off, but is
>>It IS clearly the case that Dwight Mitchell's 911 could win
ASP; it did
>>so in 1990 and 1994. And no, I don't know the course conditions
or car
>>prep levels or the mental state of his competitors those years,
>>I'm sure Scotty can provide all that information to prove that
>>really shouldn't have won and the Lotus drivers are all subpar
and none
>>of the Lotuses was as fast as it could have been, etc.
>>I'm not interested in anything but common sense here. It
appears that
>>there is a tremendous amount of superstitious fear of Lotuses
that is
>>entirely unjustified. As high performance cars go, they're
cheap, and
>>there are still plenty of Elans and Europas around in case
anyone is
>>feeling rained on because "they can't find one." Parts are
>>generally cheaper than German car parts, and the cars are, for
the most
>>part, easy to work on. Why is there such hysteria about these
>>Jay "it's just a car" Mitchell

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