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Re: Short list of cars with ABS that works

Subject: Re: Short list of cars with ABS that works
From: Kii Lockhorn <>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 13:22:40 -0800
     Per added a few cars to the list of good and bad ABS systems.... I'll add
my two cents worth.

     I consider the ABS on my 1996 Camaro to be quite good. Now, there *are*
occasionally problems with my brakes, but it doesn't have to do with the
ABS... ;)
     I've had the opportunity to run a couple of other cars the past couple of
events, and I would second Per's "nearly any BMW" in the "good" category --
after having driven a Z3 coupe and a 325i.
     The latest car I've driven I'd add to the "good" list, only because I was
*all* over the brakes when I shouldn't have been, and the ABS did *not* screw
me up. That car is a 1991 Corvette ZR1.

     The thing I like most about ABS? No flat spots! (unless the ABS goes out
mysteriously for one run while your co-driver is in the car!)

Karen Kraus
1996 Camaro Z28 1LE (FS34)


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