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Re: ST Classification..any solid rules?

Subject: Re: ST Classification..any solid rules?
From: "Larry Spector" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 21:47:48 -0400
Joshua Hadler wrote:

> "Mohler, Jeff" wrote:
> > 
> > A friend in a GSX would love to go whole-hog on modifications, but I dont
> > belive the GSX (Eclipse or not) fits the "type" of car allowed in ST.
>       Regardless of weather it can be considered a 'sedan' or 'coupe' or not,
> it's a forced aspirated car, and is explicitly disallowed for ST.

But what if it has a normally aspirated sibling that IS allowed? If the 
NA version of the Eclipse is allowed in ST, is its big brother (either 
AWD or FWD) allowed in STU if the only differences between the 2 
would be legal if you started with a non-turbo in the first place?
-Larry Spector

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