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the Quintessential e-mail: cone marks, paint, turbos, and Clini

To: <>
Subject: the Quintessential e-mail: cone marks, paint, turbos, and Clinique
From: "Mari L. Clements" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 11:39:39 -0500
>> First "James Rogerson" <> wrote:
>> Since we have never owned a painted car we are open
>> to suggestions.  And anyone that's been to Houston can vouch for the
>> we put into the external appearance of our cars.  So really, what's cool?

>And then Mike Lowe <> wrote:
>     If you paint it black, you'll never have to buff out cone marks.
>If you hit a dozen cones (done that...), no one will know.  You'd
>think that after 9 years of autocrossing WHITE Miatas, I'd learn by
>now.   :-)

Depends.  The black Shelby *never* showed a cone mark.  The black MR2 gets
cone marks from reading the cone comics in North American Pylon.  (Maybe
that's because the FWD Shelby hit all cones head on and the RWD MR2 swings
the tail out to get them ( : ? )

While we are on the subject of paint, leaving the magnetics on in the rain
seems to have done a number on the driver side door ) : (at least I can line
up all my decals just perfectly now).  It's going to a detailer next week
(RIGHT, Eric?!), but anyone have any wonderful suggestions for how to get
off these sort of wavy outlines that almost look like the clear glue residue
you get when you take labels off glass jars?

Also, while I have your attention, somebody who has done something like this
(or witnessed it), *please* e-mail Eric ( about what a
horrible mistake it would be to take the turbocharger from our Shelby parts
car and put it on our secondary tow vehicle--the Ford F250.  (I'm worried
about this guy--last night, he made a tower on the bathroom countertop out
of all my Clinique stuff--clarifying lotion [remember what Katie said about
that stuff] on bottom, next Turnaround Cream [a/k/a battery acid for the
face], then the soap [in it's cool little tunnel box], eye cream,
moisturizer, and finally lipstick!)  This is a guy who clearly needs an


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