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RE: SP rules on catalytic converters

Subject: RE: SP rules on catalytic converters
From: "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 08:52:07 -0600
> We need to clear up a major misconception here: it seems that
> lots of folks believe that, just because a car passes the state-
> (or city- or county- ) mandated sniff test that it's not a
> polluter. To my knowledge, none of these tests actualy place the
> engine under load and cycle it in a way that approximates real
> driving. That's gonna change before long, though, at least in CA
> and major urban centers around the country. New, far more
> complete, emission tests are in the works. And if you think a car
> with a gutted cat will pass the full EPA test cycle, you're
> dreaming.

        Thats funny, all three of my sports cars pass with colors on the
dyno "full environment" test w/o convertors.  One is even wearing moderately
heavy modifications.

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