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Re: Removable Rearview

To: <>, "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Subject: Re: Removable Rearview
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:58:09 -0600
Dennis Grant said:

>Thank [insert Deity of choice] that my car doesn't come with a
>eight-inch hardened steel spike mounted in the center of the
steering wheel,
>'cause with rules interpretations like this one, I wouldn't be
allowed to remove


Here's a bit of dialogue that may serve to illuminate:

Propono: My car is so unsafe, unreliable, and inconvenient that I
find I must modify it before engaging in the sport of autocross.
Surely  the powerful and just SCCA will understand my situation
and bestow upon me all suitable indulgences and ministrations.

Observo: Why would the maker of the car allow such an unsafe,
unreliable, and inconvenient car to be sold? And why would one of
presumably sound mind and body purchase such an unsafe and
unreliable vehicle?

Propono: It is truly so simple to correct. SCCA should simply
allow me to remove the unsafe rearview mirror, stiffen the
unreliable chassis, and change the inconvient and uncomfortable
shift mechanism.

Observo: Pardon me if I fail to understand, but it is my
impression that one need not receive permission from SCCA to
modify one's chariot thusly. Indeed, there are even Categories in
which cars modified in these vary ways may compete.

Propono: But my car will verily be consumed by my competitors in
the ranks of Prepared and Mod.

Observo: Then there are three choices. Firstly, you may leave the
car alone and compete in Stock. Secondly, you may modify the car
and compete in another worthy Category. Or thirdly, you may
purchase another vehicle which is more suitable for competition
in its unmodified form.

Propono: SCCA is verily the cruelest master that ever walked the
earth. I revile the foul scum who administer these evil Rules!

;<)     ;<)        ;<)     ;<)

Jay "see the smilies?" Mitchell

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