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RE: removable Rearview

Subject: RE: removable Rearview
From: "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 23:45:35 -0600
> Check your owners manual.  Does it say you can drive the car without the
> mirror?  This is akin to removable seats and roof racks.  If the owner's
> manual says you can remove it and drive it that way on the road, then you
> can drive it that way in an autocross.
> If you can't come up with paper from the manufacturer telling you how to
> remove the mirror and drive the car without it, then you must leave it on.

        If the owners manual states that you should observe all local DOT
regulations, and following THAT if you have two side mirrors, you are not
required to have a windscreen rear-view mirror (in most states).

        Leap of faith, but tangible.

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