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Re: rules quoting

To: Joshua Hadler <>
Subject: Re: rules quoting
From: washburn <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 07:16:10 -0600
Joshua Hadler wrote:
> Josh Sirota wrote:
> >
> > 13.2 Bodywork
> >
> > A. Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights and other appearance, comfort
> > and convenience modifications which have no effect on
> >      performance and/or handling and do not materially reduce the weight
> > of the car are permitted. This does not allow driver's seat
> >      substitutions. Delayed shutdown devices such as the "Turbo Timer",
> > which perform no function while the car is in motion, are
> >      permitted.  This does permit the installation of an additional
> > mirror (e.g. a "Wink"), but does not allow the removal of
> >      the original mirror.
....... And the wording
> of the rule does specifiy mirrors,.......

Hi Josh #2

Where does it specifically address mirrors?  The wording of the rules in
my book does NOT specifically address mirrors.  Page 98 of my 1998 rule
book has the 13.2.A paragraph quoted by Mr Sirota (Josh #1) at the top
of this post, however, the last line quoted by Josh #1 does not appear
in the book.  Maybe Josh #1 added this line as his personal comment
without seperating it from the rule he was quoting, making Josh #2
beleive that this was part of the rules. Or maybe my book is out of
date?  (Or I'm blind  :)  I personally don't care one way or the other
about mirrors, but make sure you check your rule book yourself. 
Additionally, when quoting rules make sure you clearly seperate your
personal addenda from the quoted text of the book.  

P.S. Nothing implied by my "Josh numbering convention".  Next post, you
get to be Josh #1.  :) :)

Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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