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Re: rules quoting

To: washburn <>
Subject: Re: rules quoting
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 08:21:31 -0700
    Josh S's quote is there, in italics, at the end of 13.2 A, exactly as he
quoted, pg. 89.
    I find it interesting that the BMW, which is touted for all its safety
features, has one that limits visibility, certainly not a safety plus.
--Pat Kelly

washburn wrote:

> Joshua Hadler wrote:
> >
> > Josh Sirota wrote:
> > >
> > > 13.2 Bodywork
> > >
> > > A. Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights and other appearance, comfort
> > > and convenience modifications which have no effect on
> > >      performance and/or handling and do not materially reduce the weight
> > > of the car are permitted. This does not allow driver's seat
> > >      substitutions. Delayed shutdown devices such as the "Turbo Timer",
> > > which perform no function while the car is in motion, are
> > >      permitted.  This does permit the installation of an additional
> > > mirror (e.g. a "Wink"), but does not allow the removal of
> > >      the original mirror.
> >
> ....... And the wording
> > of the rule does specifiy mirrors,.......
> Hi Josh #2
> Where does it specifically address mirrors?  The wording of the rules in
> my book does NOT specifically address mirrors.  Page 98 of my 1998 rule
> book has the 13.2.A paragraph quoted by Mr Sirota (Josh #1) at the top
> of this post, however, the last line quoted by Josh #1 does not appear
> in the book.  Maybe Josh #1 added this line as his personal comment
> without seperating it from the rule he was quoting, making Josh #2
> beleive that this was part of the rules. Or maybe my book is out of
> date?  (Or I'm blind  :)  I personally don't care one way or the other
> about mirrors, but make sure you check your rule book yourself.
> Additionally, when quoting rules make sure you clearly seperate your
> personal addenda from the quoted text of the book.
> P.S. Nothing implied by my "Josh numbering convention".  Next post, you
> get to be Josh #1.  :) :)
> end-o-message
> --
> Patrick Washburn <>
> Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
> 95 DS Neon
> Moooooooooo.

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