>My son is interested in buying a new Neon and since there are so many of
>who drive stock class cars, I'd like to poll the collective wisdom.
>There are Sport and R/T models available. Which of these two should he
>pursue as a good autocross car? What performance options should he order or
>try to find? In other words, should he buy a R/T or order the Sport with 4
>wheel discs. Is there a trade off in weight by buying the R/T? The car has
>to serve as a daily driver too, so the ACR is out. We'd appreciate a
>on the best set up.
>Tom Shirley Sale Creek, TN
Don't count out the ACR as a daily driver. You/he can order it with A/C and
a rear defroster so it can well serve as a daily driver. You can also get a
factory installed radio but for the same amount of money you/he could go to
a major electronc chain store and get a nice Kenwood, Alpine, Sony or
whatever brand you like radio and speakers. If you want him to do well in
autocrossing, get the ACR.
If he does get the R/T, DON'T get the ABS. It supposedly actually hurts
autocross performance. And it is even more weight. (And in my opinion just
plain obnoxious.)
I have the R/T (about 100-150 pounds heavier) and it just ain't quite an
ACR, performance wise that is, due to the heavier weight.
Also, with the ACR (if you can still find one, Pax Rolfe in OKC has a '98
for sale already set up for autocrossing) you get the adjustable Konis that
I just ended up buying at $600 for my R/T. Otherwise the R/T has the same
motor, tranny, brakes, suspension (except for the Konis), and Neon
reliability. Take that as you will. ;^)
When I bought my 98 R/T it was priced about $500 less (sticker price) than
the ACR coupe right next to it but with far more amenities (and weight).
Had I waited another month before buying the car, and used the knowledge
gained in that month, I would have purchased the ACR instead.
As it is now, I have ordered the Konis to further close the gap between my
R/T and the ACRs. I did not get the power options (windows, locks and
sunroof) and my R/T weighs less because of it. I also got the sedan version
of the R/T which is supposed to weigh a little less than the coupe version.
I really like my R/T (yes, especially the boy-racer stripes) but would
rather have the ACR as it is a slightly (very slightly) better performer due
to it's lighter weight.
I do autocross my R/T and plan to eat a few ACRs for lunch this year. But
I'm gonna have to work ral hard to do it as I (and my car) have a slight
weight handicap. ;^)
Good luck and think about giving Pax Rolfe a call about his ACR. He's
already got all the necessary gear and will probably sell it all as a
package deal. His e-mail address is: PaxsACR@aol.com .
See you on course.
Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69DS TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T
Take a ton of bolt and steel
A whole lotta sweat, a set of wheels.....On the Speedway.
The flag is down, pistons pound
Plenty of engines ripping around......On the Speedway.
"Speedway" by Elvis Presley