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Different slant on women racers

Subject: Different slant on women racers
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:01:56 -0500
Katie, I really enjoyed your last soapbox speech. Keep it up.

Our problem, here in Atlanta, is getting women to even try the sport. Oh,
yeah, we have three of the most competent women in all autocrossdom
(Betsy Bryan-Tinsley, Renee Eady and Rene Dunham with a huge number of
National Championships etc, etc. between them).

But at a typical event with 100 competitors we are lucky to have 5
(that's right, a paltry 5) ladies competing. We even have a lady co-chair
(who wouldn't compete last year, we're hoping to change that this year)
and we STILL can't seem to draw women competitors.

I don't understand it because, when we lived in Las Vegas, a lot more
women came out to play. It seemed to be more of a family thing to do

Women autocrossers of the world, please help us to know what to do to
change this around. Especially if you tried it here in Atlanta and have
some inside info on why women are staying away in droves.

For everyone's information, we are starting a new scheduling plan which
should cut nearly in half the amount of time a competitor needs to be at
the autcross site. Maybe that would help?

Ben Thatcher
Atlanta Region SCCA Solo II co-chair

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