George Ryan wrote:
>As an alternative to Bill's proposal, leave D/EM alone, and add a
third sedan mod class with more realistic weights - - - I have a feeling
it could become a VERY heavily subscribed class. For the under 2.0
liter cars, have a 1500/1600 lb limit, over 2.0 and under 3.0 1800/1900
and over 3.0 2100/2200lb limit, or some such.
I got fired up about this a few years ago to no avail. This was during
the time when a comittee was formed to try to achieve more parity in
these classes. The problem was that the only people who were on the
committee were the existing top dogs of the classes, they didn't want
any real change. I've long thought that the 1000lb weight for D-Mod was
stupid. Nobody can get there yet nobody seems to want it changed. I
also think that it makes no sense to have two classes (D and E Mod)
which both achieve about the same speed potential. I suggested
adjusting weights to create a fast class and a slow class. That way the
existing fast people could stay the same but would be combined in the
fast class. The other class would be weighted more like what George
said. This way some of the more common cars available out their would
have a fair place to play.
It seems though that people are much more willing to create an entirely
new class than they are willing to change an existing one so I like
George's idea of creating a new class.
Jay Scholz
2.0 Pinto powered Spitfire, steel body, 1500lbs