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RE: Lotii in ALL classes (was DM & E Mod Weights)

To: Scotty *BOB* White <>,,
Subject: RE: Lotii in ALL classes (was DM & E Mod Weights)
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 10:02:19 -0800
Scotty White writes...

>Nope, sorry dude, you are waaaaaayyy off. Some are better than others,
but with the >exception of Chris, I have yet to see brilliance in a

I wish someone would have been that bold a long ol' time ago. Instead,
everyone has to make this all technical and complicated, comparing power
to weight ratios, contributing all these equations, blah blah blah.
Scotty's the first person to show enough balls to actually come out and
say it: "Lotus drivers suck."

To which I respond: UP YOURS.



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