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RE: Drilling hole in tempered glass?

To: "'Dan Eiland'" <>,
Subject: RE: Drilling hole in tempered glass?
From: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:59:33 -0700
If it were solid glass you may get a hole through by setting it flat and
cutting a piece of copper tubing to fit the hole size the glass has to
be on a solid flat surface and a drill press. The tube has to be as
square cut as possible. Using a rubbing compound or jewelers rouge for
the cutting compound us a small bit of water to help and use ample
amounts of the cutting compound. Do not try to drill if the glass is a
two part. The cutting compound may go between the sheets of glass and
start a internal puddle. PERIOD.
My two P

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