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Re: Hole Punches (off topic)

To: Jan Eyerman <>
Subject: Re: Hole Punches (off topic)
From: chuck nicodemus <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 08:59:26 -0800
Kevin carrys carb parts in the right shirt pocket and tranny shift rings 
in the back pocket, also I have it from a good scource that Kevin has a 
full set of differental ring bolts in a carry case he has on his back 
,,plus a full set of wrenches.Ah , ya never know.

Jan Eyerman wrote:

> Kevin,
> If I ever need to punch a 16 inch hole, I will know who to call.  But how the
> heck would you fit one of those in your pocket???
> Jan Eyerman
> (who uses a regular hole punch set purchased from Harbor Freight)
> wrote:
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>>      Attachment:  
>>      MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>  ok guys-n gals, i have used a 20 mm shell casing to punch out the holes in 
> the wind-screen to body seal for my Alpine. I don't know how the casings 
> ended up in my pocket( main gun on Bradley fighting  vehicle). i knew my time
> in the army was well spent!
>  Also 7.62 casings work well for punching holes for various gaskets.Use the 
> 5.56 to get an even smaller hole.Of course I have no idea how these ended up 
> in my pocket,but they sure help!
>  It's harder to find these things in my pocket now I am in the Navy res. ,but
> it still happens.
>        Kevin Rodgers PTC  Seattle

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