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Re: [Re: Engine Pull]

Subject: Re: [Re: Engine Pull]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 23 Nov 2001 18:58:54 EST
I used to pull the trans first, then stripped everything off the engine to
pull it (including the flywheel)...... but that was because I had no lifting
equipment.  I did have two big strong friends, a 8ft 4x4 and a piece of chain.
 They had no problem lifting the block out of the car.  

Did it many times, just cost me a couple of beers and dinner.

Jan Eyerman wrote:
  After pulling engines with and without the transmission attached I 
think it is a bunch easier to do it without for both removing and 
replacing. Clearing the front sheet metal with the transmission on the 
engine will take more time and maneuvering and is just flat a pain. I 
pull the radiator, fan , intake, starter and usually just unbolt the 
exhaust manifold and alternator and wire them out of the way. [I am sure 
I left some items out gas line carb linkage a wire here and there]Then 
take the bolts out of the engine mounts and bell housing and out it 
comes not fuss no muss no car jacked up in the air no bent sheet metal 
no chipped paint. Then that is just my opinion.  Jim

Brent Kasl wrote:

>Listers-I am about to pull the engine of the S2 and am wondering about
>what needs to come off beforehand and what can stay on. Can I leave the
>manifolds and carbs on? It is probably dependant on where I afix the
>lift for engine support, but I would rather dismantle as little as
>possible until it is out of the car complete with tranny. Thanks Brent


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