Tigers and 'Piners,
I recently stated that the new adjustable (and expensive) Koni shocks
designed specifically for the Tiger (and the S-4, S-5 Alpine), was from
a single group order by CAT and Sunbeam Specialties. I also stated that
there was a limited supply left from this specific, one-time, order.
Well, I've got some good news.
Our good friend Curt Meine, of Classic Sunbeam
<http://classicsunbeam.com/>, also has these shocks (as well as others)
at $125 each (I did say they were NOT cheap, but are good).
While the other adjustable shocks will FIT the Tiger, they were not
specifically set-up for it. I am told, by racing users of both, that the
Koni's are superior. These, of course, are individual value judgments.
Other users who have actually tried both may have different opinions. I
have always liked the Koni's, since 1959, and have used KYB - which were
quite good on a VW special and the Mustang.
Thanks, Curt, for being a great source.
Steve Laifman < Find out what is most >
B9472289 < important in your life >
< and don't let it get away!>
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