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Re: Dilema on E Bay 8-)

To: Jeff Howarth <>
Subject: Re: Dilema on E Bay 8-)
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 07:51:07 -0700
Jeff Howarth wrote:

> Well,
> the Rootes original Fire Extinguisher is now $210 and you can buy a
> complete series 3 Alpine for $500.
> Lets see how the extinguisher closes as if you bought both, and the car
> caught fire ................
> What a decision to make !!!!
> 8-)
> --
> Jeff Howarth

No Problemo, Jeff

That NOS Genuine Rootes Tiger Labeled Fire Extinguisher, with
authenticated serial numbers, has long since passed it's maximum shelf
life limit, and won't work anyway.  Let the junked Alpine burn, and keep
another NEW fire extinguisher if anything really happens to the Tiger.

Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                         < and don't let it get away!>

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