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Re: Fuel shortage?

To: chuck nicodemus <>
Subject: Re: Fuel shortage?
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 18:32:00 -0700
Gas prices.  Miles per gallon. Taxes.

I've been hearing this since gas was $.25/gallon, and today 50% are
buying expensive, unsafe, SUV's that get terrible mileage.

Figure out your annual fuel bill, figure out how much more it costs for
increased fuel costs, or poorer mileage for your vehicle choice, and
look at it's percentage of your total income.

I have reported before what my father told me when the gas guzzlers of
Post WW II were just being let out to the great unwashed:

"Show me a man who knows his gas mileage, and I'll show you a failure in

I made that calculation, and see exactly how right he was. I do not
enjoy paying obscene taxes, being raped by the oil companies and the oil
producers, refiners controlling supply, and don't like it on those
grounds.  But really, Tigers and 'Beamers.  Would you drive your car
less because of it?

Just my father's observation, that is probably one of the few things I
agreed with during his lifetime, G-d rest his soul.


Madder than H-ll, but still driving.

Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                         < and don't let it get away!>

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