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RE: I love my Triumph but...

To: "'Richard & Ruth'" <rcottingham@eastlink.ca>,
Subject: RE: I love my Triumph but...
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <70TR6@mindspring.com>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 09:31:44 -0400
I like the look of the early trucks, but a guy I know has a very clean 65ish
Chevy truck.  Maybe just a little more reliable... maybe not.


R. Ashford Little II
'70 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard & Ruth [mailto:rcottingham@eastlink.ca] 
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 6:40 AM
To: R. Ashford Little II; 6pack; Triumph Email List
Subject: Re: I love my Triumph but...

I'm surpised that no one shares my desire for a pristine, stock, 50s vintage

pickup truck.  Or an early 70s, modified, short wheelbase truck with enough 
brute HP to deliver TR6 parts to a ficticious garage at the end of a quarter

mile in about 14 seconds.  It should be possible to obtain either of these 
within the stipulated price cap.

Rich C.
74 1/2 TR6
Fall River, Nova Scotia

BTW, the 6th day of the 6th month of 06 (30th anniversary year of the end of

6 production) is quickly approaching.  I'm inviting a bunch of Sixes in our 
area out to the house in early June to celebrate. 

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