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Re: Are stock TR6 engines balance externally?

To: S Mann <quicksilver_rising@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Are stock TR6 engines balance externally?
From: Mitch Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:56:10 -0400

Your original question was about the affect the new aluminum flywheel 
would have on your existing set up. I have a Fidanza flywheel for about 
4 years. I installed it out of the box, with out balancing it or the 
cover with out any problems. I found it to be a very well machined part 
that fit well. I found the fit of the stock pilot bushing to be a little 
more snug but had no problem after installation.

As far as performance is concerned, my results are "seat of the pants" 
analysis that is based on comparisons of before & after beatings on my 
car. As stated by more informed listers, lightening the flywheel does 
not increase HP, it frees up available HP. It, with out a doubt, feels 
faster in first and second gear. The acceleration snap is more 
pronounced. Initial acceleration is more responsive in any gear. It may 
seem insignificant to shave 20 lbs off the rotating mass of the drive 
line, but it does have an affect that is detectable. It has not affected 
drivability at all, not from a standing start or at idle. I can still 
bring the rev's up to 2,500 rpm's , let the clutch out and melt down a 
new set of Pirelli's :-) . In reality I would expect to shave 2-3 10th's 
in a 1/4 mile , and who knows how much on a road course.

I had the good fortune of pulling the trany this winter ( Herman Toyota 
5-speed) and examined the sintered iron friction plate after lots of 
abuse. It was perfect & I just reinstalled with out any maintenance.

Even if you rarely bring your motor to it's max rpm you'll enjoy better 
throttle response, lighter shifts and the loss of 20 lbs of fat hanging 
off your cranks rear end. Is it overkill for a street car ? Is it a bad 
return on investment ?  I would not build a motor and not add this to 
the list of parts.


Mitch Seff
Oceanside, N.Y.
75 TR6 SC

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