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Plagiarism & Copyright infringement

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Plagiarism & Copyright infringement
From: "John Macartney" <standardtriumph@btinternet.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:44:39 +0100
Apologies for reverting again to this thread that I raised a few weeks back.

This is to confirm I have been in correspondence with the Editor of Triumph 
World about the article in the February 2006 edition written by Penrice 
called 'An Incredible Journey.'. Editor Beadle has advised me Penrice does 
not deny he used the material for his article from my book. I wonder if he 
told his editor he wrote it and submitted it without my prior permission or 
that of the daughter of the principal person concerned?

Accordingly, Triumph World infringed my copyright and is publishing a full 
apology to me in the June/July edition - issue # 68. What action TW is 
taking against Penrice is unstated, but as I've known him for over 55 years 
since he was 4 and I was 3, I know what I'd like to do to him myself!

For the record, I have written to every Standard-Triumph Club in the UK, 
pre-advising them of what has occurred and warning of my intention to sue if 
they should unwittingly publish any material from Penrice (or any other 
external contributor) who infringes my copyright. I have a similar letter 
prepared for overseas clubs in MS Word and will happily provide a copy to 
anyone who contacts me off-list.


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