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RE: "The Cog" Honda Commercial

To: "Richard Cottingham" <richardc@PinchinLeBlanc.com>, <KFornelli@aol.com>,
Subject: RE: "The Cog" Honda Commercial
From: "Kronberg, Peter" <peter.kronberg@hp.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:08:20 -0500
Hear, Hear!!

I choose to appreciate the Persistence of Vision associated with this
piece of creativity...and that's all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Cottingham [mailto:richardc@PinchinLeBlanc.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 9:55 AM
To: KFornelli@aol.com; tjh173@yahoo.com; 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: "The Cog" Honda Commercial

Isn't most capitalist advertising exploitive and offensive?  Lighten up.
You're missing a rather innocent, light-hearted point - the beauty of
the art, not the product being promoted.  Most car enthusiasts (ie
members of this list) will appreciate it.  If Honda is so evil, I would
just say this - Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  I'll
bet that if my father  had been involved in the labour strife in the
British car factories in the 1970s, I might have a different opinion of
my beloved Triumph.  Likewise, we are defenseless against the capitalist
dogs who are shamelessly exploiting the primal, reptilian portion of our
brains by selling us on huge, gas-guzzling, SUVs.  I trust that they,
and the buyers (of which there are many on this list, I'm sure), must be
held accountable in your books, too.  I'm curious - from exactly which
glowing example of socially-responsible auto manufacturing would you
have the unsophisticated trembling masses buy?  Trabant?  

Rich C.

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