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Re: "The Cog" Honda Commercial

To: tjh173@yahoo.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: "The Cog" Honda Commercial
From: KFornelli@aol.com
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 02:36:52 EDT
You're so right. It's NOT Triumph related. I personally don't care for 
Hondas, Toyota's, et al. I don't care for the way they market to people with 
or no automotive savvy or basic economic understanding or accountability. I 
don't care for the engineered service scams. I wouldn't drive one, buy one, or 
otherwise demean myself for one. 

I realize this isn't Triumph related either, but I hope I've at least equally 
offended you. Please take your Honda drivel to another list.


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