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Re: "The Cog" Honda Commercial

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: "The Cog" Honda Commercial
From: "Andrew H. Litkowiak" <andylit@covad.net>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 07:47:33 -0500
KFornelli@aol.com wrote:
> Gary,

WOW! Let me translate this for any of you who might not have read it the way I 

> I don't really care to discuss this with you. I don't believe I mentioned 
> vehicle quality or sales volume. In all fairness to you, you probably have no 
> clue about economics or marketing and I'm talking about something over your 

I am allowed to spew out a venomous tirade against a fellow lister who took the 
time and effort to share a very popular and clever piece of video that he 
clearly labeled as OT.

You, on the other hand, are not entitled to respond to my vitriolic and abusive 
comments. Oh, and by the way, you are an ignorant moron not capable or entitled 
to discuss matters of substance with a person as well educated and intelligent 
as I am.

> This is a Triumph list. Why don't we limit it to something we all appreciate 
> and enjoy?
> Isn't that the point? You just hit a raw nerve and I didn't appreciate the 
> off-topic.

I've had a bad day, my hemorrhoids are killing me and I have an irrational 
hatred of Japanese auto manufactures. Your harmless post pushed me into a mild 
rage over all the perceived inequities I have suffered today. Instead of 
approaching the situation calmly and hitting the delete key, I lashed out 
blindly without regard for your feelings, or those of the rest of the group. My 
poor state of mind entitles me to abuse anyone I choose to abuse without regard 
for the consequences.

> Let's let it go at that.

Now that I've vented my spleen on an innocent victim, I feel a little better. I 
would appreciate it if none of you called me to task over my rude and abusive 
comments. That might trigger my rage again and force me to abuse you too.

> Thanks.

I suppose I should throw them a courtesy bone. They're too stupid to realize my 
"Thanks" is a sarcasm laden insult.

> Kirt

Translation ends

I've seen a lot of rude crap on automotive lists in my time, Kirt, but this is 
in the top ten. You've managed to insult darned near every Japanese car owner 
the list, most of the lovers of clever advertising, and who knows how many 
others. And you did it all without profanity. Good Job!

I strongly recommend that you learn how to hit the delete key instead of 
venom into a public forum.

I, for one, believe you owe Gary and the rest of this list an apology. It is 
thing to object to OT content. It is quite another to hurl abuse and insults.

You need to learn how to follow the Golden Rule mailing lists. Never, ever type 
words you would not utter in a face to face situation.

And before you claim you would have said the same to Gary face to face, go back 
and read your words. Would really have gotten up into his face and said

"In all fairness to you, you probably have no clue about economics or marketing 
and I'm talking about something over your head."

I would certainly hope not.

Let's keep it civilized, okay?

Andrew Litkowiak

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