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Re: ZS needles and engine

To: dmallin@attglobal.net (Don Malling)
Subject: Re: ZS needles and engine
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 19:48:27 -0800 (PST)
Don---Going to a cam with more lift and duration, as you are
contemplating, can usually benefit with a little more fuel. The B2Y's
would be one choice, but would also require a change in the way these
needles fit into the later air valves.

For a seat-of-the-pants trial, you could adjust the ones you have
towards a richer setting. I doubt that you could get it too rich, except
maybe at idle speeds. I would suggest using an Air/Fuel monitor and 02
Sensor, such as the one made by K&N. This is one of the better ways to
see if the mix is right, for all throttle positions and engine loads. 

Someone who has blazed this exact trail before you can step in with an
alternative method.

On the cam you are thinking about...Could the "110 overlap" be the lobe
separation? On a 274 deg. duration cam, the o'lap is usually closer to
56 deg.


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