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trailing arm repair

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: trailing arm repair
From: Jadewey211@cs.com
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 09:53:05 EST
I find myself in need of two trailing arm repair sections. I bought some off 
eBay last fall, however they never made it here. I ordered a set from TRF 
only to find out they were out of stock. Rather than vender bash, I decided 
to check around. Rimmers doesn't have them, neither does Moss or VB. All said 
the same story - they were expecting them early January and they never 
arrived. All 4 are now quoting 6-10 weeks. Anyway, enough lecture on vender 
bashing. HELP! Anybody with any leads out there? It's almost driving 

Jeff Dewey
76 TR6
Richmond, VA

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