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Re: Radiators

To: Jadewey211@cs.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Radiators
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 20:01:14 -0500
Thanks, Jeff. Wasn't trying to skimp on the radiator. I'm already spending
way too much on rebuilding and restoring this vehicle and that's why I
asked these questions in the first place. Im trying to understand what the
"stock" TR6 radiator core is and if the list feels that this core is sufficient.
Perhaps I should ask if I need to upgrade the radiator core, as I am going
with the Piper 270 cam and upping the compression to 9.5:1, also installing
headers. Perhaps a stock radiator with an electric fan pushing?

The stock radiator, Jeff, is $225 NEW from TRF. Recoring with D-core, you
say, is $275, so that in itself is something to consider. I don't think stock
radiators overheat unless there are either hot weather conditions or some
contributing system malfunction.

Yes, Jeff, your input DOES help. I value everyone's opinion and consider
carefully. I'm just trying to understand, since my own radiator wasn't stock
when I bought the TR and I sure have problems now!

Thanks again,

Dave Friedlander

Jadewey211@cs.com wrote:

> When it was time to get my radiator reworked, I listened to other club
> members tell their tales of (overheating) woe, and decided to get the old
> radiator recored. My local shop recommended the D-core style as most
> efficient for transferring heat. Not concours if that's important to you - it
> wasn't to me. After taking th TR6 on a road trip last summer through the
> South and spending a LOT of time in bumper to bumper traffic on a 95 degree
> day, all I can say is, I'm glad I did it the way I did. The cost for me was
> $275. Consider what it will cost to repair your motor if you skimp on the
> radiator and it overheats on you. Hope this helps.
> Jeff Dewey
> 76 TR6
> Richmond, VA

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