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RE: Radiators

To: "'David Friedlander'" <forzion@maine.rr.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Radiators
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 21:47:43 -0500

My stock "74" has 4-rows. I would look for another radiator shop! For
$300.00, (If originality isn't an issue), you could have a custom
aluminum radiator made.


-----Original Message-----
 Subject: Re: Radiators

Whoa, Pete, now *that's* a different perspective and more of what
I was really concerned about!

" It seems that some of the cars are fine with a stock rad and some
  need additional help."

I can see the fog real clearly now, thanks! :- )

Can someone verify whether the stock TR250/6 radiator is, in fact,

Dave Friedlander

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