neil, you cannot come up with an arbitrary amount to mill. you have no
idea what has been doe to the head prior to your custody. yo cc the
block adn teh head, work out the formula for compression ratio ans see
waht you have in the present form. then reduce the head cc to achieve
the desired compression. it's safe, accurate adn the only way youcan
knwo for sure what you have. please let meknow if we can help. ted
Neil Wehmeyer wrote:
>Can anyone help me understand compression ratios and head thickness? I have
>a '69 with engine #cc26944HE. The compression ratio of pre 1972 models is
>stated to be 8.5 to 1. According to the TR Repair and Operation Manual the H
>in this serial number is for high compression. I have a core engine
>#cc53580E. The head from this core engine measures the same thickness as my
>'69's head.
>Question numbers one and two:
>Are these two engines of the same compression ratio, or were compression
>ratios changed by differences in the pistons?
>If they are the same compression ratio, what does the H in the serial number
>of my '69's engine stand for?
>Question number three:
>How do I determine how much to skim from these heads to increase the
>compression ratio by a set amount. I would like to bring it up to 9.5 to 1.
>Thanks for any insight provided.
>Neil Wehmeyer
Ted Schumacher
108 S. Jefferson St.
Pandora, Ohio, USA
Fax: 419.384.3272 (24 Hrs.)
Phone: 800.543.6648 (US & Canada)
Tech/ Gen. Information/ Worldwide: 419.384.3022