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Restoration paint job

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Restoration paint job
From: YeOldEd@aol.com
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:52:55 EST
My 6 was an east coast (rusty) junker. I've spent the last 10 months doing a 
ground up rebuild.......New brakes.....Poly bushings.....grade 8 nuts and 
bolts, rebuilt engine, pumps, alternator, carbs, etc, etc, etc. Just the 
interior (2 shades of light tan, leather seats) to go and I'm ready to annoy 
the neighbors with those noisy pipes. I did absolutely everything (inc. 
chassis welding) except body and paint. That cost 8500, and was done 
beautifully in BRG.

I intend to drive the car on weekends and probably won't show it. Not my 
thing. I don't expect to get my money back.

The point is, I've had so much fun doing the work I wouldn't insult my 
gorgeous 6 with a cheap paint job.

I recommend you shop around, compare work product, and spend what you can 
reasonably afford. The important thing is to love every minute. 

I'm thinking of doing a 4 next!

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