By the way, there is a very good book explaining all types of ignition:
The Doctor's Step-By Step Guide to Optimizing Your Ignition
by Christopher A. Jacobs
It is largely an advertisement for Jacobs electronic ignition but it has pretty
thorough coverage of other types of electronic ignition. It even has a nice
method for getting your car's horsepower curve with only a stopwatch. It was
written quite a while ago so it looks like he has come out with a new book that
covers his new products.
Performance Ignition Systems : Electronic or Breaker-Point Ignition System
Tuning for Maximum Performance, Power and Economy
by Christopher Jacobs, Christopher A. Jacob
I used to like Jacobs electronic ignitions but I have seen tests that make me
think that his stuff is no better or worse than any other quality manufacturers
ignition. (and his stuff is a bit more expensive)
But his book was very good. A little light reading for the winter?
Ed McGuirk
76 TR6
86 Rx7
88 MR2 Supercharged