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Frame Work!!

To: "'6pack@autox.team.net'" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Frame Work!!
From: "Timothy J. Boesken" <tboesken@one.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 08:56:49 -0500
Could I get some input on preserving the frame on my TR.  It's in good 
shape and I want to keep it that way.  I don't feel the car needs a frame 
off restoration and I'm looking for suggestions on how to best work on it 
in place.

What is the best way to clean it?  Is wire brushing the only way?  Will a 
grinder with a wire wheel be ok to use or will it do more harm than good? 
 Is there something I can use to remove oil and grease?  Have anyone used 
the product OSPHO it's a " rust converter".  I have a friend restoring a 
Chevy Nova and swears by it.

After I get it cleaned, how should I go about painting it.  What products 
do you suggest.  How many coats, etc.

I sure many of you have been through this before so you expertise will be 


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