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Starting Problems

To: "6 Pack Digest" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Starting Problems
From: "John Phillips" <TR6@vigoris.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:30:00 -0500
From: "Gabriel Ige" <gige@global-merchants.com>
Subject: Starting Problem

I just fixed my second one of these.  If the starter and bendix are
operating within normal parameters, there is the possibility that the ring
gear that is engaged by the starter, has slipped on the flywheel and is now
too far from the starter to engage.  You can test this theory by removing
the starter and looking at the gap between the gear and the ledge on the
flywheel where it should nest.

If you see a gap of .025" or more, the gear needs to be pressed back down on
the flywheel.  Actually, I would not go to the trouble unless the gap is
more than 1/16th of an inch.

Each time I have fixed this problem, the transmission has been out of the
car and the flywheel accessible.  I have wondered if a person could use a
large C clamp and squeeze it back into place through the starter access
hole?  If you try it, let me know the results.

See page 146 of the Bendix manual.

John Phillips
Green Country Triumphs & Jaguar Enthusiasts Club

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